White Teeth - comment ;marriage: Archie and Clara's, Clarissa and Richard's

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Essay Database > Literature
Through Virginia Woolf and Zadie Smith came two characters: Joyce Chalfen from With Tooth and Clarissa Dalloway from Mrs. Dalloway. The two both differently and distinctly shared a common bond. They are both married parents with some type of life work, nonetheless something to preoccupy their time with. As one Clarissa and Joyce, their lifework is not white-collared business type suit wearing everyday type lifework. The children seemingly are not physically nor mentally effected by …

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…Clarissa Dalloway and Joyce Chalfen seem to have something that is blocking them from the real picture in life: there husbands Richard Dalloway and Marcus Chalfen they are mutually the same in there busy lives of work that is of high merit. It causes them to develop into a blind of the real condition of there wives lives. But there though they love there wives greatly, they blind them with the successes of there careers.