White Australia Policy

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Essay Database > History
Abolition of The immigration Act or white Australia policy The origins of the 'White Australia' policy can be traced back to the 1850s, when white miners' resentment towards the Chinese diggers growing into violence on the Buckland River in Victoria, and at Lambing Flat in New South Wales. The Governments of these two colonies introduced restrictions on Chinese immigration. Later, it was the turn of hard-working Kanakas in Northern Queensland. Factory workers in the south …

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…first step towards a less discriminatory migration policy was taken by Immigration Minister Harold Holt, with bipartisan support from the Australian Labor Party. Following the election of Liberal Country Party (LCP) in 1949, Mr Holt allowed 800 non-European refugees to remain in Australia and allowed Japanese war brides to enter Australia. Over the next 24 years, the LCP Government gradually removed most of the remaining discrimination, with the final vestiges being removed in 1973 by the new Labor Government.