Whit and Black Hate Groups

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
White and Black Hate Groups From the beginning of time man has hated each other for the most ridiculous reasons. Because of differences in ulture,tradition, and race man has caused much pain upon his fellow brothers. To understand the causes of supremacy and plain old narrow mindedness, we must look through the eyes of the racist. We must realize where he came from, what environment was he was raised in, and we must understand …

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…Prejudices, supremacy, and hate have always slowed the growth of civilization. Like a tumor it spreads through every aspect of our society. Killing the little good that is left. The social virus of supremacy has plagued us like a disease for eons. If only man could look past differences of his fellow brothers and work with him for the good of his society. Then and only then will we be able to live in peace.