Which US president in your opinion formed the most vital of cold war policies, and why do you think so.

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In my view, the US president that produced the most vital and most crucial cold war policies was Harry S Truman, who was president from 1945-1953. A large part of his presidency was focused on foreign policy and the Cold war, such as the Containment policy, which was a plan to limit the spread of communism by creating a European economic recovery program (Marshall aid) and the Truman doctrine, 1947 to get Europe out of poverty …

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…and prevent the spread of communism and these formed the most vital part, sort of like the backbone of American cold war policy, because almost all the other cold war policies by other presidents revolved around he's containment policies. We can see that Truman had a great impact on US foreign policy because he changed the USA's attitude from mostly isolationism (such as NATO creation) and set the USA on its track for 'world leader-ship'.