Where are you going, where have you been by Joyce Carol Oates

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The persona of a psychopath appears to be much like any human. In many cases, one would not be able to "pick them out of a crowd". Their minds, however, differ greatly from most. A psychopath is extremely smart and methodical in thinking and most often is very meticulous in the way in which he/she acts. While many people are not thinking beyond the norm, a psychopath thinks about every breath, step, and word …

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…when observing his/her mannerisms, thoughts, and actions, it becomes quite clear that the person is far from normal. Joyce Carol Oates uses Arnold Friend to describe the sentiments, conceptions, and characteristics of a psychopath. With each description of Arnold, the reader is brought deeper into his demented intellect. Arnold Friend is only a figment of a story, as well as a part of our society in which most people would never recognize or comprehend.