When we read poems we hear a distinctive voice that influences our response. Discuss in relation to the poetry of T.S. Eliot.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
When we read poems we hear a distinctive voice that influences our response. Discuss in relation to the poetry of T.S. Eliot. T.S. Eliot uses poetry as a way of conveying his thoughts, concerns and criticisms about society. When we read Eliot's poetry, we hear a distinctive voice which influences the way we read and what we gain from the poem. Looking comparatively at 'Preludes', written in 1917 and "The Hollow Men," 1927, through the …

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…existence, the inability of people to communicate, the cyclical monotony of modern life and the lack of spiritual and cultural beliefs and unity in society. Eliot challenges the reader to question their values and belief systems through his inclusion of the reader with the use of pronouns such as us, we and you and the use of statements and questions that connect the reader with similar questions and views that they themselves hold about society.