"When Hell Was in Session" by Admiral Jeremiah Denton.

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I have started to read books by Admiral Jeremiah Denton around 4 years ago after I had the opportunity to meet with him, while I was serving in the military. He had talked about different events that happen in the Vietnam war but never talked about his 8 years as a POW and 4 years in solitary confinement. Throughout the time reading his books there's one thing that caught my attention something that had stayed with me for …

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…sitting there being calm shooting down the North Vietnamese propaganda and using his eyelids to get a message to the American people. This is just one of many things that had happen to Denton out of 8 years and 4 years in solitary confinement. I think that this piece is valuable because it's history and history itself is valuable. Everyone should know what this country been through and what American soldiers endured to keep this country safe.