When Haven and Earth Changed P

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
When Haven and Earth Changed Places by Le Ly Hayslip with Jay Wurts The Book I am read is when Haven and Earth Changed Places it's by Le Ly Hayslip. In the pages 100 to 160 those is the pages that I have read a lot of new thing and very scary thing have happened to Le Ly. When staying in her village in Vietnam she has a lot of job and has to stay loyal to …

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…has a boss who is also making sexual advances on her and she is worried about him. Le Ly talked to a boy she knew form her village and told her, her parents were in trouble and now she is going back to her village to see here parents; what will happen? I don't know but I'm going to keep on reading. So far this book is very good; I am enjoying reading this book.