"When France has a cold, all of Europe sneezes " An Analysis on French Power.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
France has remained an international leader since the Thirty Years War. It was the first country dedicated to "liberty, equality, and fraternity" during the French Revolution, and today it remains a leader as an influential and powerful member of the European Union and the United Nations. The international plane since the end of the Cold War, however, has turned into a United States hegemony. In order to combat this Unitarianism, France has sought economic and …

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…force to sustain a highly advanced economy. Through its powers of diplomacy, the French can fight to preserve their cultural values within their own government and greatly bolster their economic strength. By creating a stronger domestic market due to the prosperity of the EU, the country will be in better position to influence the global market. In trade-driven world, only this will ensure France a greater defense against what it sees as the American threat.