"What's Wrong with Constitutional Amendments?"

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Essay Database > Law & Government
"What's Wrong with Constitutional Amendments?" Constitutional amendments are a big deal. They can alter the basic framework of the government under which we live. In "What's Wrong with Constitutional Amendments?" Kathleen Sullivan feels that messing around with the Constitution with amendments that will be hard to remove can be a mistake if not taken seriously enough. She thinks that the current fervor in Congress for proposing amendments can only lead to problems. Sullivan begins by …

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…have the ability to deal with issues and the Constitution will have to be tinkered with. The Constitution has been a good thing for the United States. It has provided mild stability and survival for centuries. Amendments are the key to keeping it up to date and working, but shouldn't be used carelessly. Too many might render the government without any backbone to fall back on, and too few could stifle this government to stagnation.