What's Goin' On

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Essay Database > History
What's Goin' On "Baby boomers," the babies of the 1950's matured into adulthood in the 1970's. They realized the mistakes made by earlier generations and were not too shy to speak up about them. The mistreatment of women, African Americans, and other minorities were recognized and acts of the government were questioned. The seventh decade of the century was a turbulent time of revolution, reform, and realization for a people whose awareness was waking from …

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…many topics of concern during this time, involving the rights of minorities and the nation's relationship with other countries for example were all recognized and questioned decades before now, in the 1970's. The U.S. Has come a long way to resolve these topics, but just like bell bottoms and platform shoes, fad styles of the seventies, the feelings of unrest and demand for reform and truth will again return to the minds of citizens.