What would you do

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
What would you do, or how would you feel, if a man of middle-eastern descent came up to you telling you that he had been a victim of a hate crime where he was attacked from behind, beaten and pelted with eggs while his assailants uttered racial epithets, but later was notified that it was all a lie, a hoax? Well, there was a person that had to deal with this dilemma. Arizona State University …

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…Ahmad Saad Nasim's case must, first, be allowed to be sent to trial before he can be convicted. In conclusion, I hope that you will do all that you can to further reduce the number of hate crimes committed on people that come to this country. For this is the whole idea in coming to this great nation, because they've heard that it is, "The Land of The Free, and The Home of The Brave."