What were the main reasons why the US and the USSR moved to detente in 1963-1975?

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The term Détente is referred to the period in Cold War when the tensions between the US and the USSR reduced. The Cold War was triggered in 1945 when the US dropped the two atomic bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man, on Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki(August 9) respectively. In fact, even before 1945, the seeds of conflicts were already there despite the fact that they were allies in the Second World War. For instances, …

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…could be mainly explained in terms of the US, the USSR and China. However, the Europe countries played a rather important role in successfully moving them to Détente as well, for instance Brandt's Ostpolitik. Even though this period of Détente did not last forever, it did help to reduce the tension between the two superpowers and prevented a Third World War but with nuclear arms from happening so far.