What were some of the experiences Australians had during the Vietnam war?

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Essay Database > History
Australia's presence was in Vietnam from 1962 to 1972. It first began with the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) who served in infantry, artillery and armoured divisions. Later in the war, when Australia sent more troops (because conscription was enforced), Australian task forces were given an area called Nui Dat which was within the Phuoc Tuy Province. In Vietnam Australians had to survive in terrible conditions and against an enemy that had been fighting for their …

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…year a week-long truce was called which the Vietcong ignored and stuck 63 major towns and cities throughout Vietnam. The Australian and American troops were caught at total unawares and although they did eventually win the attack many people began to believe that the Vietcong could not be beaten. Throughout the Vietnam war Australia experienced many terrible battles and survived in terrible conditions. They were efficient fighters who fought even when the odds were against them.