What were Australia's fears of Asian nations 1900-2000? Give reasons why such fears were perpetuated. Explain how and why attitude about Australia's relations with Asia are changing.

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Essay Database > History > World History
From 1900-2000 was a period of massive changes. Australia today differs greatly from a century ago and one of the great changes are its relations with Asia. Influenced by other White countries, Australia has always resented non-whites, especially Asians. In 1901, one of the first laws passed by Australia as a nation was the Commonwealth Immigration Restriction Act. This act was encouraged from the late 19th century by the fear of being overrun by the tremendous …

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…to Australian provided 13% of Australia's total exports earnings. Over 4 million tourists arrived in 1998. The total numbers of visitors to Australia has increased dramatically for all countries. As the attitudes towards Asians changes, Australia began to encourage people to learn more about Asian cultures, especially Japan. In 1996, Japanese language has become the most commonly taught language at schools. This reflects Australia's attitude towards Asians today and how it was back in the beginning of 20th century.