What was the political impact of WW1 on Europe?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The first Total War also known as the 'bloodiest' war of the century, WWI proved to have a great impact upon all of Europe. Politically, there is a clear scene of what impact the War had on the main powers in Europe: for some countries, such as France and Britain, the change in regime was merely slight, in Germany rather significant, whereas in Russia it proved drastic and sparked off two revolutions. Hence, there were …

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…Russia, significant upon Germany and minor upon the remaining powers. Nonetheless, WW1 has effected the politics of the period in each country likewise: gave birth to initial nationalism and on the contrary aroused government opposition in the end. H.G Wells has in 1916 described the Great War as 'This is the ned and the beginning of an age. This is something far greater than the French Revolution ord the Reformation and we live in it'.