What was the immediate damage of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus of 1974 to the island?

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The Turkish invasion of Cyprus of 1974 was an act universally condemned as a gross infringement of international law and the UN charter because of its illegal status and its destructive nature. It had and still has a very negative impact in the island. The aim of this investigation is to analyze the immediate damages that the Turkish invasion of Cyprus brought to the island. An analysis of the different factors covered in the investigation should …

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…accessed on October 5, 2004 www.ucm.org.cy/gr/map.htm, accessed on June 9, 2004 http://www.kypros .org, accessed on January 17, 2005 & March 05, 2005 Newspapers : Article Title: Cyprus Struggles for World's Attention: Greek-Turkish Flare-Up Soon Forgotten. Contributors: Andrew Borowiec - author. Newspaper Title: The Washington Times. Publication Date: September 6, 1996. Page Number: 13. COPYRIGHT 1996 News World Communications, Inc.; COPYRIGHT 2002 Gale Group Interview: Appendix I: Map of Cyprus, showing the imaginary Attila line separating the island in two parts