What was the cause of the american revolution?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
American settlers lived in a world completely unlike our own. They faced hardships nearly incompatible to a person in modern times. The settlers, however, gained strength enough to scrape by with no luxuries at all. As colonies, they were under the influence of the British government. When England interfered with their trade and industry, they had to do something in order to keep financial stability. When Britain demanded taxes that were extremely unjust, the colonists …

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…was truly caused by its mother country making horrible mistakes in the running of their colonies. The American Revolution itself was a war that involved a country fighting for its independence and ultimately, its place in the world. The British, by trying to strangle this urge to be free, only caused the enthusiasm to become even more impart among the colonists. Consequently, the England lost the thirteen colonies and America became the country of freedom.