What was occuring in Australia during the Vietname War?

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Essay Database > History
In Australia, when the Vietnam war first began the Australian public supported Australia's involvement and the men that were "saving them from communism". In 1966 President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBY) visited Australia and he was welcomed. But as the war wore on and conscription was introduced protests against both the war and conscription became very common. In 1966, 4 years after Australia first became involved in the war, conscription was introduced as a way of sending more troops …

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…felt about Australia's involvement in the war. Anti-war slogans and cries were developed and the protesters believed that Australian troops should be removed from Vietnam and conscription should be abolished. When the troops that fought in Vietnam returned many were not welcomed or treated like 'heroes' like other war veterans had after returning from war. Instead they were treated like they had fought a dirty war and received little to no thanks from the public.