What the Gossips Don't see

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
What the Gossips Saw was a poem that had a personal meaning for me. The story of Escolastica, a young, beautiful girl that is affected by a medical problem that is not her fault, reminded much of my girlfriend, Amy. Amy does not have an illness now, but her mother is very ill with a hereditary disease and Amy could get that disease or disease later in her life. Because we plan on getting married, …

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…love her and it only hurts my relationships with the people that I love, such as my stepmother, when they say things about her. I am a grown man who can make my own decisions. This poem really made me think of my own life. I face the gossipers just as Guillermo and Escolastica do in the poem. I related to the story because I experience the situations in the poem in my life.