What similarities and differences are there between the way the theme of war is presented in the poems?

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
In this essay, I will compare the two poems, which are "Disabled" and "The Charge of the Light Brigade". I will talk about what the similarities and differences between the poems by looking at the structure of the poem, language, point of view, effects, type, and theme. This paper also examines how the poets write to produce certain effects and create meanings to reader. In the first poem "Disabled", Wilfred Owen writes about the thoughts …

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…their courage "Honour the charge they made!/ Honour the Light Brigade". The two poems that I have gone through have different ways of presenting their themes. In both, the poets have effectively portrayed the horrors and tragedy of war. In "The Charge of the Light Brigade; however, Lord Tennyson marvels on the sacrifices made and indicates that they were worthwhile causes. Owen, on the band, sees sacrifices and death in war as senseless and absurd.