What should the government do about segregation in our public schools today? Does it matter to you, that students often attend public schools that are populated only by students of their own race?

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Essay Database > History
Segregation. When people hear this word, they think back to the 60s and the civil rights movement. Segregation is still very alive today. People believe that segregation died when the civil rights movement was over. However, as many found out, segregation is not something that can be instantly wiped away like spilled orange juice. Segregation is more like a stubborn stain that no matter how much you clean it the stain is never fully removed. …

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…not happen. So many people put their lives on the line to protect our future. Was Rosa Parks arrested so that in 2004 her great grandkids are still segregated? Was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shot because what he spoke about was lies? The answer to all of these is, no. By allowing segregation to continue, we are saying yes! We have come very far, yet it seems like we did not go anywhere at all.