What schools are for.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
School an institution, a building, a safe haven, and a learning place bursting with education to teach our young people. With teachers who are devoting their entire life into providing a sound foundation and opening new horizons to broaden their minds with a world of knowledge. School a place where parents or guardians send their most prized possession, their children, to learn. School alone cannot bring about the educational results we need, parents must take …

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…our lives; our knowledge of the universe and of ourselves. (Sobel, P1) We as a nation must take rein and more forward, what worked in the 1900 may not work in the 2000's. We are running out of time either we make the changes in the way we raise and educate our children for this new century or we will sink into mediocrity. In summary schools are for learning for a better today and brighter tomorrow.