What role do Glia cells play in the neural functioning?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
The nervous system include two main types of cells the neuron and the Glia cells. The nervous system are organised into two different parts, the central nervous system constituted with spinal cord and brain, and the periphery nervous system is dived into two branch's: the somatic nervous system (have three kinds of neuron: sensory neuron or receptor neuron gather the outside information such as sound, waves, odours, and tastes, the medium neuron or inter neuron …

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…at rest potential it means that the axon do not suffer alteration in level of ionic concentration. So the action potential take important play in seeding information to the terminal buttons where excite the neurotransmitter (substance that is released in a synapse cleft). The role of Glia cell is also vital in regarding of transmission because they produce a substance to cover the axon, myelin sheath. Without this wrap the communication do not flow properly.