What reasons motivate people to immigrate to the United States

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
<Tab/> What reasons motivate people to immigrate to the United States? We know that most newcomers leave behind poverty and unemployment in their homelands in search of better fortunes in America. However, research on this subject suggest that the causes of immigration are often more complex and numerous than most assume. The capacity of natural disasters, environmental crises, overpopulation, wars, and civil unrest to uproot and set in motion millions of …

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…Immigration Web page.) NIDI/EUROSTAT. Push and pull Factor of International Migration, <http://www.nidi.nl/pushpull/dest/indexdest.html> Eurostat. May, 2000 (Push and Pull factors web page.) Cubans have a very strong sense of cultural identity. <http://www.culturalorientation.net/cubans/IMMI.HTM> Cuban Immigration to the United States. February 18, 2004 (Web Page of Cuban Immigration, the date shown is the last day the page was updated.)