What points of comparison and contrast do we see between "Waiting for Godot" and "Candide"?

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The texts of "Candide" and "Waiting for Godot" do contrast each other in many ways; "Candide's" world is in fact the whole world, whereas in Waiting for Godot the world consists of a small stretch of road by which is a bench and a tree. Therefore one might instantly assume that the two texts, one a novella, and the other a play, are totally different. It is much easier to draw contrasts between the texts …

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…series of let downs, and failures. In conclusion the contrasts surpass the comparisons, but that is not to say that there are not any definite similarities between the two texts. The relationship between Cacambo and Candide bears significant resemblance to the relationship between Vladimir and Estragon, and some of the main themes of existence and fate are seen clearly in both texts. Both one has to argue that these are somewhat contrasting pieces of writing.