What men can learn from women

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
In the essay " What I've learned from men", by Barbara Ehrenreich, she tries to convey her point of view by stating that that women need to learn from men how to be more tough and not to be ladylike. At the same time, there are a few things that men could learn from women. Actually, men can learn a lot of things from us, women, if they only analyzed in depth how nice, affectionate, and …

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…and everlasting, for in the real world the concept of love is misunderstood completely. From the point of view of a woman, I would suggest men to work on their rudeness and be more affectionate toward their woman. And that they should think twice before they cheat on their woman, first because a soul mate is hard to find ans easy to loose, and second true spiritual love can not be compared with materialistic love.