What makes you happy.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
What makes Us Happy "Endorphins are considered the best and most legal way of achieving a high" Nathan Altman said in his Endorphins Question and Answer article. Endorphins are polypeptides that are produced in the brain. They are able to bind to the neuro-receptors in the brain to give relief from pain. Endorphins can be accredited with the affect that exercise has on the brain. The so called runner's high is a result of endorphins …

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…These two chemicals together act as natural opiates. Exercise has an affect on the brain that is accredited to many things. Endorphins play a role in the stress release one feels after a workout, but many other factors also contribute to euphoric feelings. Relaxation and deep breathing release tension and can create a calming affect. The feeling of accomplishment that a person feels after conquering a goal can also create confidence and alleviate depression symptyoms.