What makes the film a good one?

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Up to now, there have been lots of films, which are made for effecting people. Directors aimed to make films, which make people smitten. Of course, these efforts gave birth of competition in the movie sector. Therefore, film companies and directors act fastidious while making a film. They have started to examine their film deeply, choose its applications carefully. And as a result of this situation the quality of the films have increased. However, an …

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…it changes from person to person. However, it can be seen easily that a high quality film cannot exist without a high-class scenario, music or casting. And in the lights of everything that I have mentioned about Gattacca shows that it has enough specialties for remembering as a high-class film. And in my opinion with its unexpected end, its original story and effective factors that I have mentioned in this essay Gattacca deserves being high-class.