What make you angry? How do you express your anger> How do you control your anger? What could you do dif...........................................

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Anger is an emotion that, we can some what control. It's a negative experience so closely bound to pain and depression that it can sometimes be hard to know where one of these experiences end and the others begin. When I'm angry, it leads to a classic way of making others pay for my own emotional deficits. Sadly, it provides me with an impulse to pass pain along to others. But on the other hand, …

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…as a sign that some deeper threat has occurred that needs my attention. <Tab/> One particular characteristic that has helped me control my anger is communication. Once I feel this horrible emotion, I let it out as soon as I get my hands on it. I'm very expressive when it comes to what I am feeling. You can tell whether I'm happy, excited, sad or disappointed, because of my facial expressions.