What lead to the United States involvement in World War One?

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Essay Database > History
When World War One began in 1914, Americans wanted nothing to do with it. The national government agreed with the people and proclaimed our neutrality. As the war went on, the United States found it harder to remain neutral. Their attachment to Mother England made them more sympathetic to the Allies, but they would not let their attachment pull them into war. The popular opinion of the United States citizens was to still stay out of …

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…also led to the United States getting involved in the war, such as the pressure of large corporation who wanted to get involved for economic reasons and also our attachment to Mother England. Overall our declaration of war was brought on by Germany's refusal to accept our neutrality. It was also brought on by the Germans sinking our passenger ships and the Zimmerman Telegram. Unrestricted submarine warfare was at the top of the list also.