What kind of threats are there from using information technology and how can they be prevented?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
As the name suggests, information technology has built on existing ways of storing information for various reasons including better security, accessibility and data integrity. Although there are various other reasons for using information technology, these are the reasons of primary importance and hence are necessary for the discussion of threats and prevention through various means. Security is by far the most common reason for using information technology. Originally, important paperwork and confidential documents were stored …

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…most probably be useless to them. In this case, the means of preventing information from being received by a third party is by using encryption security. Encryption security is also used to protect unregistered software from being used past a 30-day trial period for example. Despite these various threats in information technology, it is still more advanced than primitive information technologies and provided that it is understood and used correctly, all threats can be prevented.