What it's really like to be a freshman. The essay is about being a freshman from a freshmans point of view (that it's hard) Some dates will need to be changed in order to update it!

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
I remember orientation day. Tan bodies, from the summer sun, piled into the bleachers. Everyone had changed. Their appearance, personality, no one was the same. I remember sitting on the cold wooden bleachers and staring down at the cheerleaders and the band who were placed in the middle of the gymnasium. The only thing missing was cowbells from our necks. We were herded like cattle, by our superiors, and branded with nametags so everyone new …

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…hour. Freshmen often get picked, on called names, just because were new and " little". Sure we don't know our way around and are always bumping into things, but we learn! Being a freshman is hard and it's almost like trying to survive in the West Nile Jungle. But we only have to make it through a year. Only 180 more school days to go. But what do I know, I'm just a grass eating freshmen. Moo!