What it means to be Canadain?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
A: 5 Things that define a Canadian are: 1)Freedom 2)Helping others when the help arises 3)Living in a place were war is prevented and peace is wanted 4)Resources are always around you 5)Give others the right u would want to have The Vanishing Border To be Canadian you have to be living in Canada for the first fact. Maclean's cover is showing a United States flag over the Canadian leaf. This might impel that we Canadian's …

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…better economic life. There are many ways you can describe a Canadian. Some people see the points from different views. Most people can see Canadians as peacekeepers and a resource full land. Our violence is decreasing; we got health care, which American's don't have. This can mean that Canadian's always look out for each other. We are a nation who will fight to be known as a free land were rights are equal to everyone