What issues seem to be of central importance to Truman Capote in his novel "In Cold Blood?"

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
What issues seem to be of central interest in his novel of In Cold Blood? Capote wanted to express three purposes of the effects to the murder. Firstly, he wanted to show us the effect it had on such a small community, and why they reacted in the way they did. Why did so many families leave the town of Holcomb, and even suspect their own neighbours as the murderers? Capote then goes onto write …

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…eve that Capote wanted to pay particular attention to capital punishment, as he sees it's truly wrong. With the arguments Capote brings forward within In Cold Blood, I can only agree with him that capital punishment is wrong and unjust. No one has the right to take anyone's life away except God alone, even if Dick and Perry did murder the Clutter family they don't deserve to die as 'no two wrongs make a right'.