What is the structure of a business organisation?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
International Racecourse Management (I.R.M) Ltd was founded in 1990 by the current Chief Executive, John Sanderson. I.R.M´s core business is the management of horse racecourses. At present the company holds contracts to manage three racecourses in England, Catterick Bridge, Doncaster and Redcar, as well as holding consultancy agreements with racecourses in Vietnam and the Czech Republic. In addition to this I.R.M are regularly approached by other …

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…and shape of the product. The advantages are that it manages to highlight any problems or defaults that occur before the product gets into the market. Disadvantages appear though, for example a constant defect will usually mean an employee is not doing the tasks he/she were set. This leads to dissatisfaction amongst the employees. Also too many tests make the employees feel that they are always being watched, which also can lead to dissatisfaction.