What is the effect of caffeine on soybeans

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
What is the effect of caffeine on the growth of soybeans? <Tab/> Introduction: The plants used in the experiment are Glycine max, commonly known as soybeans. This table shows the taxonomy of the Glycine max. Kingdom<Tab/>Plantae ( plant) Division<Tab/>Magnoliophyta (flowering plant) Class<Tab/>Magnoliopsida (angiosperms) Order<Tab/>Fabales(an order of flowering …

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…us making sure that in order to maintain the healthiest body that we possibly can, we should try to decrease the amount of caffeine that we eat and drink every day. References: Plant Growth and Development by A.C. Leopold http://www.place.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/~drjes/issues/2/caffeine.html http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/soybean <Tab/> <Tab/> <Tab/> <Tab/>