What is the Nature of Political Participation Under Authoritarian Forms of State Rule and Are the People Necessarily Oppressed?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Forms of government and state rule are usually put into one of two categories. These categories are Democratic governments, seen in established democracies such as the UK, or New Democracies, which are usually countries that have just experienced the fall of an authoritarian regime. Democracy is considered by many to be the best form of government, as it is seen that the people are supposedly free from the 'ties and binds' of authoritarian control. Whether …

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… not political ideology, or even individuals. Religion has been a force of oppression throughout time, and is still a strong force in determining people's lives. Even in Northern Ireland, thought of as a democratic state, the religious problems are the main cause of division and of the oppression of thousands of people. In conclusion, authoritarianism is not the oppressive force. The real problem is religion, and as long as religion exists, so will oppression.