What is speciation? Talk about Speciation and the 2 major types of it.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Speciation is the formation of two or more genetically distinct groups of organisms after a division within a single group or species. They are groups of organisms capable of interbreeding which segregate into two or more populations, which gradually develop barriers to reproduction. These barriers can form separated populations, and may reproduce at different locations or at different times of the year. When the reproductive isolation is maintained long enough, the separated groups may develop …

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…third are found nowhere else on the earth! In both the Hawaiian and Galapagos Islands without all of the speciation of the plants some of the animals found on the islands may not be alive. The plants provide food for most of the animals. They become part of the food cycle. Speciation however can become a threat to the environment in ways. Alien species negative effects show what can happen if speciation threatens the environment.