What is radioactivity?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
What is radioactivity? The atoms making up matter are generally stable, but some of them are spontaneously transformed by emitting radiations which release energy. This is called radioactivity. Atoms: In nature, matter - whether water, gas, rocks, living beings - consists of molecules, which are combinations of atoms. Atoms include a positively charged nucleus, around which move negatively charged electrons. The atom is neutral. The nucleus of the atom includes positively charged protons as well …

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…proton into a neutron, beta+ radioactivity, characterized by the emission of an anti-electron or positron e+. It only appears in artificial radioactive nuclei produced by nuclear reactions. Gamma radioactivity, unlike the other two, is not related to a transmutation of the nucleus. It results in the emission, by the nucleus, of an electromagnetic radiation, like visible light or X-rays, but more energetic. Gamma radioactivity can occur by itself or together with alpha or beta radioactivity.