What is literature

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
When a civilization decides to commit suicide it does so without knowing that it is doing so. A civilizational suicide is committed by numerous policy errors of omission and commission over a long period of time by its policy makers or political leaders. These bureaucrats and leaders rarely recognize their mistakes or learn from their previous mistakes. Such mistakes happen over time, ever so progressively, that they remain unrecognizable by most people. They rarely speak …

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…of minorities, religious accommodation, freedom of religion ("there is no compulsion in religion as long as you are a Muslim") as we know it now, etc. Western countries need to wake up. They need to see the future as it is emerging. Only a man of vision will save the West from self-destructing itself. Wake up before it is too late. Fight for your rights and your values now, otherwise it will be too late. 9/11 20/20 04.