What is literature?

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Essay Database > Literature
Literature as Problem Of the set of problems facing literary instruction in foreign language depart-ments, the most recurring ones stem from the specific status and the role of literature, and its relationship to the teaching of language. In this country, as well as elsewhere, there has been an increasing concentration on pragmatic methods of communicative approach to foreign language teaching that sees literature as one of the mediums through which a language can be taught. …

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…English Language Arts Instruction. http://cela.albany.edu/critical/critical.html, 27. 3. 2000 SCRIVEN, M., PAUL, R. 1992. "Critical thinking defined." Handout given at Critical Thinking Conference, Atlanta, GA. THOMAS, G., SMOOT, G. 1994. "Critical thinking: A vital work skill. Trust for Educational Leadership, 23, pp. 34-38. SOMMERS, A. B., WORTHINGTON, J. E. 1979. "Response Guides for Teach-ing Children's Books." Quoted in Carr, K. S. How Can We Teach Critical Thinking? http://www.valdosta.peachnet.edu/~whuitt/psy702/digests/critthnk.dig, 24. 3. 2000