What is human suffering? How does humanity understand/cope with human suffering? How do you reconcile suffering?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Human suffering is universal and inescapable. When there is joy, there is pain waiting to happen. When there is pain, an individual always tries to escape it. Humans are faced with hardships in life, and along with those hardships come emotional distress and pain. Humans attempt to understand the reasoning for suffering, the inflicting pain and stress that they have to endure. Humans cannot resolve their own problems, they turn to God or another form …

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…it is that is making them feel bad although it be cannot escaped from it completely. A person can fall in love but when he or she has been heartbroken, one begins to suffer emotional distress and pain. Humans always need something like food, shelter, and love. Humans seem insecure because they cannot survive on their own. I can see no human suffering when an individual does not need to question the adversity of life.