What is evolution? What species orginate from evolution and what species have remained the same?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Evolution can be applied to the origin of many species while natural selection provides a formula to select the most suitable species in a particular habitat. Competition challenges would require each species to produce new defenses against diseases, climatic and against other species in Macro evolution. Micro evolution is the continuous genetic modification and diverging distinguish feature among species and related species. Due to the adverse geographic conditions and prolonged time apart would encourage more …

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…a law to improve the fitter species to be the dominant fitter species but the natural clock to drive the biological reaction forward but never reach conclusion. Living fossils refusal to change signify the environment has not challenged the animal and maybe the species might have reached its final modification also the populations are more sporadic but they inhabit similar niches around the world. The world might retain areas where evolution reactions have not activated.