What is dramatically effective about Act 3, Scene 1 of Shakespears "Romeo and Juliet"

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By the end of act 3, scene 1 two main characters are dead and another banished, exempting them from most of the remaining part of the play. Act 3, scene 1 is a pivotal point in the play where the plot takes a turn for disaster and tragedy. In itself this scene is bound to be dramatically effective because of the impact it has on the storyline of the play and it does not happen straightaway, anger and revenge …

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…unlooked at way of making this scene dramatically effective is the stage play; are the characters at each other's throats or calmly conversing. I think it obvious that there would be heated tension in the room and later angry talk would give way to all out fighting meaning the characters would be openly aggressive and taking new stage positions. Stage play is another way in which the scene could be made much more dramatically effective.