What is a true American?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
What is A True American? <Tab/>Are "Americans" portrayed as Europeans who live in America, or do "Americans" have their own particular characteristics built upon European backgrounds throughout history? There are different characteristics between a European and an American. In "What is an American?" by Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crevecoeur, he describes the hardship emigrating from France to America where many opportunities were offered to him and depicts the meaning of showing patriotism …

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…background. Crevecoeur's opinion is for the people to be schooled, so in the future they will be more practical; to suppress the idea that a true American is a hardworking individual. From Dunbar's viewpoint, appearances are appearances and are nothing more; the true individual is far different from what we see. It can be said through Crevecoeur and Dunbar's discussions that a true American should not be judged by its appearance, but by one's content.