What is Virtue Theory? "Virtue Ethics is of little practical use to someone faced with a moral problem." Discuss.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
A Virtue Theory is the theory that right actions follow from becoming a moral person, and that by becoming a moral person we will automatically know what is right and wrong. When we know what is truly right or wrong we have flourished as humans, and we have eudemonia. Virtue ethics is one of the main forms of normative ethics, and often called arêtaic ethics (arête- virtue, …

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…example, instead of discussing saving passengers from a burning ship, we would look at whether it is correct to be a quiet or a talkative person- information we are more likely to use, that is more practical. Virtue ethics is fairly easy to understand, and applies to everyone capable of having a rational thinking personality. This means, everyone can use it practically, in their day-to-day lives, and many people do, without realising what it is.