What is Satire Literture

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Satire is a term that can be applied to many different works of literature or art form whose objective is to ridicule. An author may express irony; sarcasm or even biting wit and its purpose is to expose wickedness and foolishness. Satire can be easier recognized than defined. Sources say that satirist from ancient times have shared a common aim to expose foolishness in all its costumes. The word satire derived from both the Greek …

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…Satire and how its been used through out time. Occasionally the audience is the victim of the satire. Whether in a play, a joke, or an artifact, the writer seeks to confuse its audience by presenting the fraudulent as a true work of art. Leaving the whole concept to be questionable and determinable. Satirists look to expose the truth and since it's a topic that will surpass time and will continue for centuries to come.