What is Satanism

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
What is Satanism? I have never had any reason to summarize the Satanic belief system; there is no missionary ethic in my church, but being asked to write an article on the subject gives me an extraordinary opportunity to pur to rest some lies about Satanism. I would like to discuss the things that Satanism is not before moving on to what it really is. First I would like to point out that Satanists do …

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…to do a show about Satanism I would like them to get a real Satanist like Dr. Anton Szandor Lavey, Peter H. Gilmore, or maybe Blanche Barton, not some convenient idiot who will go down for the count if they pay them enough. The problem with this idea is that people would learn the truth about Satanism and the talk shows would lose ratings. I think it is time for the truth rather than hysteria.