What is Rock'n'Roll music.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Rock and Roll music Rock and Roll started after the year 1955 with its roots being in Blues, Gospel, and Jazz. This influenced vocal music, which was popular with the African American population. Groups such as The 'Mills Brothers' and the 'Ink Spots' sang hep Harmony who added rhythm and harmony. Small Swing Bands or Jump Bands featured saxophone soloists and repeated phrases. These city style blues featured singers such as Joe Turner, Dina Washington, T- …

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…not only rock & roll: popular music in the lives of adolescents , Cresskill, N.J. : Hampton Press, 1998. B. Lee Cooper, Wayne S. Haney. Rock music in American popular culture II : more rock 'n' roll resources, New York : Harrington Park Press, 1997. Simon Frith, The sociology of Rock, London: Constable. 1978. Don Hibbard & Carol Kaleialoha. The role of rock: A guide to the Social and political consequences of rock music, 1983. Tom Hibbert, The rock yearbook, omnibus: Sydney, 1986.